And the beat goes on

Is music a significant part of your daily life? If so, incorporating your hard-copy collection, instruments, or electronic gadgets into your home decor is important too. Instead of keeping your favorite melodic items stashed away in a closet or buffet, consider putting them on display in the most stylish ways.

Record collections are back in style. So if you’ve buried your turntable and LPs in the basement, break them out and showcase your musical inspiration. There are plenty of storage solutions that are designed with record album dimensions in mind. Mount your favorite album covers on the wall in standard square frames. Or, turn to a chic metal shelving unit that is especially designed for housing vinyl and has a vertical orientation so it takes up less floor space.

Do you play one or more instruments? If so, keep your most played pieces close at hand and on the ground on stands. Other instruments that are lightweight or used less often can be hung on the wall. A collection of tambourines makes for especially intriguing decor—whether the percussion pieces get played or not.

Written by Maresa Giovannini. Photography provided by (from top) ISO3000/iStock/, vtmila/iStock/

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